Paper or vinyl system ?

Różnica miedzy papierem, a winylem porównanie tablica reklamowa no name vs tablica reklamowa Wall Slim

You do not know what type of carrier and medium to choose? Read what you should know about these materials.

The most important thing is the quality, exposure time and, of course, the price. The materials and machines needed to make such prints are no longer a problem. The way they are finished,folded and glued as well.

Learn the features of paper posters.

  • Short exposure time – paper posters must be pasted up to every 1 month
  • The poster consists of sections, divided – when sticking them, they are difficult to fit and there are more places to peel off
  • The resolution and color saturation are usually of poor quality. (pixels are visible)
  • It has hygroscopic properties, which means it absorbs moisture, water, and detaches from the base
  • Very difficult to stick in winter conditions
  • To stick the poster you need a lot of tools, a ladder (often high), brushes, squeegees, buckets, cloths, etc.
  • Sticking paper is work at height and you must have the appropriate permissions
  • The glued layers of paper peel off with whole sheets.
  • Gluing with paper stains the frames, elevation and the area around the board.
  • Under the influence of UV rays, the printouts lose their colors and fade.
  • Low cost of production of prints on paper.
tablica reklamowa z systemem szybkiej wymiany banerów winylowym bannergear
tablica reklamowa z systemem szybkiej wymiany banerów winylowym bannergear
tablica reklamowa z systemem szybkiej wymiany banerów winylowym bannergear

Learn  the features of vinyl banners

  • Long exposure time – prints on a coated banner, printed with UV can last up to several years.
  • Uniform and smooth poster surface.
  • The resolution and color saturation are higher quality. (1440 dpi)
  • Printouts are resistant to all weather conditions, water, wind, snow and frost.
  • Easy to hang in winter conditions.
  • No tools are needed to hang the poster, not even a ladder in the bannergear ™ system, prints are lowered to the bottom edge of the frame.
  • Hanging banners leaves the frame clean and does not stain the facade or the area around the board.
  • Under the influence of UV rays, prints lose color much more slowly.
  • Banners can be used multiple times and can be stored.
  • Can be used in rotation campaigns
tablica reklamowa z systemem szybkiej wymiany banerów winylowym bannergear

Vinyl is a much better and more durable medium. It is better suited for display and for marking e.g. a company, a development investment, a wall, a fence. Paper is the right medium only for short-term campaigns. Weekly or two-weekly.



Paper or vinyl system ?

You do not know what type of carrier and medium to choose? Read what you should know about these materials....
Różnica miedzy papierem, a winylem porównanie tablica reklamowa no name vs tablica reklamowa Wall Slim



Benefits for the Biedronka retailer chain from the use of the bannergear™ frame system.

The subject of this case study is design, implementation and maintenance of an outdoor advertising system in the largest retail...
Wisząca reklama, tablica reklamowa, billboard z opatentowanym systemem szybkiej wymiany banerów bannergear™ 1.0 model Wall Slim

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